We are looking for talented and highly motivated new graduates to join our Future Talent Programme and become the next generation of engineers and leaders in our industry. In our graduate programme, you’ll be a true team member, playing your part from day one. You’re not restricted to menial tasks. Here, you add meaning. You’re the foundation for the future of food safety and availability for everyone, everywhere.
Visit our career page at https://www.tetrapak.com/about-tetra-pak/careers
About us
At Tetra Pak we commit to making food safe and available, everywhere; and we protect what’s good – protecting food, protecting people and protecting the planet. By doing so we touch millions of people’s lives every day. And we need people like you to make it happen.
Future Talent Programme
Would you like to start your career and make an impact to be proud of? We are looking for talented and highly motivated new graduates to join our global future talent programme and become the next generation of engineers and leaders in our industry.
Every year, new graduates start their career at Tetra Pak and have the chance to make a difference and influence our company’s development. Your development is just as important to us and the programme is designed to challenge and grow your skills, both personally and professionally.
What will you get from the Future Talent programme?
From day 1 you will be delivering results as a true team member and hold a permanent position. Your manager will plan the content of your programme and support you in your development journey. You will work in various parts of Tetra Pak and experience a network of colleagues all over the world. And that is just the beginning of your Tetra Pak career. After the programme finishes you will have gained great experiences to help you continue your exciting career within our company.
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