We’re always looking for new talents and specialists to join the team. Make sure to check out all our open positions on LinkedIn!
Centrica Energy Trading
Skelagervej 1
9000 Aalborg
W: www.centricaenergytrading.com
You don’t need to be an energy expert to work with us, but we’re typically looking for candidates who have concluded their studies within the fields of:
-Economics and Business
-Mathematics and Natural Sciences
-Computer Science
You’re welcome to reach out no matter your background. Drive and curiosity coupled with an analytical mindset and strong communication skills will take you far.
Joining Centrica Energy Trading’s graduate programme, you’ll embark on a two-year journey specifically tailored to your background and interests. Taking on real responsibilities and unlocking exciting new opportunities, you’ll develop the skills, network and 360° holistic view of the sector that lays the foundation for a successful career in the energy industry.
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