Turbinevej 10
5500 Middelfart
United Shipping & Trading Company (USTC) is a Danish energy and shipping conglomerate with a worldwide portfolio of activities including oil & energy, shipping & logistics, risk management and IT.
With roots dating back to the 19th century, USTC has gone through a major development to shape who we are today. What started as a small local shipbroking company has grown into a global leader with emphasis on core values, great history and a strong culture.
We are solidly financed, and our family ownership ensures that the combination of long-term value creation and highly agile leadership provides the optimum environment for growth.
We recognize that unlocking the potential of our people is key to long-term success, thus USTC priorizes employee development through internal education and mentorship. As a USTC employee, you will have the opportunities to grow both your personal and professional skills while collaborating with talented experts from all around the world.
As we are represented in over 40 countries with a diverse group of people from more than 50 different nations, you have the option of pursuing a global career.
USTC is rapidly expanding, and we are constantly looking for talents to join our global team. Last year, more than 150 new colleagues have joines us, and we expect that number to continue to grow.
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