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Denmark (Esbjerg & Odense)

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2care4 Group

Are you passionate about developing your skills and competencies, and ready to take on greater responsibilities as your abilities and experience grow? Are you ambitious not only for yourself but also for your workplace? Do you dream of an exciting daily life where your ideas and initiatives are welcomed, and where the sky is the limit?

Then stop by our stand and hear more about 2care4 Group!

2care4 ApS

The key to our success lies in our values, which we strive to live up to every single day. Mutual Respect, Power to Act, Innovation and Quality. These values have helped us evolve from a small, local entrepreneurial company into one of the largest suppliers of pharmaceuticals to the Scandinavian markets. We believe our staff carry out their work in the best way when the right framework and the right opportunities for them to develop are in place. This makes us energetic and extremely adaptable to changes in the markets.
2care4 embraces creativity and we always encourage our employees to contribute with ideas. Our philosophy is that this is the way to achieve the greatest possible know-how.


In 2013, 2care4 Aps launched our first generic medicine, Etodolac. And in 2015 we established 2care4 Generics Aps as an independent and dedicated firm for the manufacturing and marketing of generic pharmaceuticals.
Since then, we have added a wide range of products and expanded our involvement to cover all the Nordic countries. A very ambitious growth strategy has been devised and we are convinced development will accelerate in the years ahead.


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