Get the best out of your careerday!

Your guide

KarriereDagene is a unique opportunity for getting inspired for your carrier and to get in contact with potential employers, but it can be overwhelming to attend the career summit and start a dialogue with a potential employer. 

It is important to remember, that the different companies at KarriereDagene are there to meet you and therefore want to come in contact with you. Other than being open – and ready to be surprised – you can utilize a little guide we have created so that you get the most out of your day at KarriereDagene. We also give some good advice on how you will be able to follow up afterward and send a good job application.

Table of Contents
Our best advince
Be curious and talk with companies you didn't necessarily think was a place for you. You never know where you will find your dream job!
A few pieces of advice for a good fair


6 tips for your careerfair

Think about, what you want to get out of your visit; inspiration to your career, ideas for coming assignments, internship offers, or maybe your first full-time job.

Search for information about what companies attending the fair. Choose 3-5 companies that you at minimum want to talk with. Make sure to pick some of which you don’t already know. It is important to be curious and open towards the opportunities that present themselves.

Research a little about the company beforehand. Maybe you will find a good angle so that you have a few questions ready, but listening and being curious is still the most important.



How did you become a part of the company? What is the best thing about working at the company? What is your biggest challenge at the time? What competencies do you need now and in the future?

Attend the summit together, but prioritize to give each other good time alone, when you get into a conversation with a company. Don’t go in large groups.

Make sure to have your LinkedIn profile updated so that you can link with the company representative with whom you are having a dialogue.

Take notes and buzzwords. Maybe get a business card so that you know who you talked with. You could use the note pages in the back of the catalog for this purpose.


When you come home it can be a good idea to act quickly while the company still remembers you. Preferably within 1-2 weeks.

Stand out from the crowd


Statistics show that employers on average spend 30 sec. pr. CV so you do have a very short amount of time to capture their attention and stand out from the crowd. If you are focused, well prepared, and engaged you can as a newly educated get out in the field – and get the job.

With the tips n tricks below from Seek’n’Speak, you can optimize your chances of getting considered.

Important! You can get your CV checked at the KarriereDagene, by company representatives, so that your CV becomes just right. Although the individual companies can’t accept your CV due to the GDPR.

7 tips for the good CV

Make sure that you have a short resume of your professional and personal competencies at the top of your CV.

It is a fact that many employees only skim through your CV instead of reading it thoroughly, so be concise when presenting your points. Make a short resume text of 5-10 lines that draw an authentic picture of you as a person and candidate, that makes the employer want to read more.

Keep the CV simple and cut down on the number of work assignments. Instead, use the energy on writing about the effect you had or contributed with, using concrete examples.

Haven’t there been any clear effect or result, then describe what you learned by being in the position/role/company. An example could be “As a waiter, I wasn’t measured on concrete KPIs, but I learned the importance of listening, identifying needs, and taking all situations with a smile.”

Place yourself in the employer’s stead and remember to highlight the elements, that are important for the position you seek. One such example could be to use the same expressions or words and phrases like those described in the job offer. That is only if it matches the competencies that you bring with you.

Just like with your application, your CV is not a statistic. Have/make different versions of your CV tailored to the specific firm you are applying to. Have a basic CV as a fundament where you have everything listed, together and described, and then create shorter versions.

Other than linking to your updated LinkedIn profile, you can also link to a project, that you are especially proud of, an article you have written, or a basketball club you are a volunteer in.

It is part of creating trustworthiness about your accomplishments and passion. Have you won prices, achieved certificated or taken courses, that are relevant for the position, that you seek, then include them as well.

Supplement your CV with a videoCV. In this way, you can differentiate yourself from other CVs in the bundle. Because the employer gets a good look into your personality and gets the opportunity to “meet you” and put a face behind the CV and competencies.

Always get a friend to quality check your CV for structure and spelling errors – and when you update it. A CV with spelling mistakes or mess in the structure rarely gives the best firsthand impression.


The application

The majority of employers read CVs before the application. So when you are lucky enough to get your application read it has to appear aimed at the job you are applying to. Start fresh with every application, and write it to exactly the job you want.

A good application usually is one A4-page long. What you are going to write in the application depends on the job offer, company, experience, and personality. Below you will find Jobindex’s 5 good pieces of advice for a job applicant.

5 pieces of advice for an application

See the job offer through and notice the words and phrases the company uses. You can mirror these words in your application to get an advantage. Because it gives the company a sense that you speak the same language.

Go directly to telling what you can contribute to the position and why you are well suited for the role.

Know, that the employer views your CV as an integrated part of your application package. To avoid repetition in your application of what you have in your CV.

Unless you are sending your application in the mail with a stamp skip the address.

Most employers don’t want to read the line about you heard of the job offer or the typical friendly phrases – they would much rather go directly on to the unique about you and your application.

A guide to linkedin


Having an active LinkedIn profile can help you a great deal. This way you can grow your network and that way get a huge advantage before you really need it. You can learn so much about the field you see yourself working in. You can find people who have gone down the path you see yourself working in and get inspired. 

LinkedIn can help you find a student position. The student position is not to be underestimated. Having experience in the field you are interested in is an advantage for you in multiple ways. For starters, many companies hire their students as full-time employees after they graduate. But it’s also great to have that experience if you are looking for a full-time job, since there is going to be a lot of people looking for the same jobs at the same time after graduation.It is great to have had that time in a company in a position you think could be your career. 

Talentiir will help you get started on LinkedIn by identifying ten things, that can help you as a student.

8 tips for LinkedIn

Your picture and first impression! Make sure your LinkedIn picture shows a professional side of you. It definitely does not need to be taken by a professional photographer, but try to have a neutral or blurry background and look presentable.

Your headline does not need to be your title or blank if you don’t have a job now. If you have a job, a good idea could be to say a little bit about yourself in the headline. If you are looking for a job, then use the headline to say a bit about what you are interested in. E.g.: “XX-Student – HR/ Recruitment interested!”

Your summary is a great way to describe what you are using Linkedin for. For example, if you are interested. in recruitment and would like to work with recruitment in the future, your can use the summary to emphasize it. Eg. Recruitment processes are fascinating and I am ready to learn more! Currently studying XX at XX, where I have gained a deeper understanding of the theoretical aspects, and now I want to put my knowledge into practice.”

Learn from people who have been in the business longer than you. What challenges are they facing? What is a success in this job? What motivates them in this job? These are all questions you can ask strangers on LinkedIn. This platform enables knowledge sharing, which is PERFECT for a student.

There might not be a lot you can contribute with right now, but reaching out to people and asking them about their job because you are interested is not “embarrassing” or “weird”. It’s actually really flattering, and most people would love to help out a student.

Write your uni projects on your profile! Choose a couple of projects that you deem relevant and write a brief description. This might show others which subjects you know a lot about, or help you identify your own skills and twist your learning to the professional world. Sometimes you just need to write it down!

Identify your skills. Make a short and precise list of your skills. Maybe you’ve learned a lot about teamwork from writing projects with your classmates? Or maybe you’re a natural writing articles/ essays or big projects? Use your network and see what skills others have on their profiles. Try to gain knowledge at certain skills people you look up to have on their profiles. This can help you a great deal at interviews for example. 

Even if you don’t have experience in the corporate world yet! Add your waitress/ bartender / newspaper delivery job as your experience. These jobs are a part of the journey that made you who you are. Maybe you’ve learned how to manage stressful situations, angry customers, or unexpected delays? All valuable learnings, and something you definitely should write on your profile.

Make a job agent. Search for a student position that you could find interesting, and make sure to get notified when new jobs are posted!

Last but not least it’s important to remember that nobody is perfect – not even on Linkedin. So give it a go! And remember to update your Linkedin with all your contacts from KarriereDagene.

Experience a Reconstruktion of a

Live jobinterview

Experience an exclusive reconstruction of a jobinterview between Senior manager, Thomas Korsgaard and new employee Natalia Johannesen – and gain insight into the recruitment process in Accenture.

(Only in danish!)

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for studerende og nyuddannede



Går du op i bæredygtighed, eller vil du lave revolutionerende IT-løsninger? I juni fejrer vi, at vi kan mødes igen og endelig få en snak om din faglighed og dine jobmuligheder. Vi mødes derfor under åben himmel i kødbyen i København, hvor relevante virksomheder står klar med ledige stillinger, studiejob og projektsamarbejder – så kom og bliv klogere på dine fremtidsmuligheder og få en uforpligtende snak.

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Tirsdag d. 22. juni

Spot på Bæredygtighed

Vi har inviteret en række udvalgte virksomheder, der sætter bæredygtighed højt på dagsordenen og som har fokus på at ansætte nye dygtige kollegaer til deres organisation.

Du kan bl.a. høre om, hvordan virksomhederne arbejder med: 

  • Klimatilpasning
  • Energieffektivisering
  • Genbrug
  • Cirkulær økonomi
  • Bæredygtig produktion
  • FN’s verdensmål

• Tidspunkt: Tirsdag d. 22. juni kl. 11-15

• Adresse: Onkel Dannys plads 3, 1711 København V

• Begrænset antal deltagere

Hvem har SPOT på bæredygtighed?


Vi arbejder i øjeblikket på en udstillerliste. Den kommer snart.

Onsdag d. 23. juni

Spot på digital udvikling

Mød en række udvalgte virksomheder som er på jagt efter nye dygtige kollegaer med kompetencer indenfor digital udvikling. 

Du kan blandt andet høre om, hvordan virksomhederne arbejder med digital udvikling indenfor områder som:

  • Service design
  • Public digitalization
  • Digital economics
  • Big data
  • Physical Computing 
  • IT & Business Process Modelling
  • Database Use & Design
  • User Interface Design 
  • IT-Project Management



• Tidspunkt: Onsdag d. 23. juni kl. 11-15

• Adresse: Onkel Dannys plads 3, 1711 København V

• Begrænset antal deltager

Hvilke virksomheder har SPOT på digital udvikling?

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