We are a proud life science company united by a common job to discover better treatments for people living with a serious chronic disease. Our industry is dynamic. And the scientific understanding of the diseases we treat and the people living with them, improves every day. This is a constant reminder that what got us to where we are today is not necessarily what will make us successful in the future. As an employer, we recognise the need to embrace experimentation and strive for diversity and inclusion to help make better decisions by ensuring that multiple perspectives are considered. Together, we’re life changing. Are you interested in a career with us?
Novo Nordisk A/S
Novo Allé,
2880 Bagsvaerd
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KarriereDagene samler Danmarks skarpeste studerende og nyuddannede, virksomheder og organisationer til en dialog om job og karrieremuligheder. Karriere er ikke bare et job, og KarriereDagene er en fundamental kilde til inspiration for både udstillere og deltagere.